Meet Higgins! He is 16 weeks old and weighs 10 lbs. His mom looks like three of her pups.....Hagrid, Harper and Hamlet...Higgins not as much. Maybe some min pin or doxy (who knows). What we do know is that he (they) are incredibly friendly but shy. They need a family to call their own!! If interested, go to click on adopt and fill out an application!
Our adoption fees are as follow: $200.00 for adults, $250.00 for puppies (8 months and younger) and $100.00 for senior dogs. This includes: spay/neuter, microchip, HWT, DAPP, Rabies and Bordetella vaccines and Strongid/deworming. Support our rescue and save a life by adopting!
Other Pictures of Higgins (click to see larger version):