Meet Honey! She's approximately 2 years old and weighs 17 lbs. Honey is a beautiful, shy, friendly girl. We were told that she was the mom of Nilla. Honey is doing so much better since arriving into our rescue. Her trust level increases daily. She needs a family to call her own that will show her what it's like to a loved family dog. Honey is great in a crate as well as in the car. She needs to learn how to walk on a leash. Any family would be lucky to find this wonderful pup!! If interested, go to click on adopt and fill out an application!
Our adoption fees are as follow: $200.00 for adults, $250.00 for puppies (8 months and younger) and $100.00 for senior dogs. This includes: spay/neuter, microchip, HWT, DAPP, Rabies and Bordetella vaccines and Strongid/deworming. Support our rescue and save a life by adopting!
Other Pictures of Honey (click to see larger version):