Domestic Short Hair (short coat) : : Female (spayed) : : Adult : : Small
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Meet Buttons! She is approximately 1 yrs. old. Buttons came to us as a pregnant stray. She gave birth to three beautiful babies that have since found homes and is now ready to start her life in a loving home of her own. She is a real sweetheart. She loves attention and is very playful. Buttons would do great in any home where she can just enjoy life with her furever family.
If interested, go to click on adopt and fill out an application!
Our $25 adoption fee (for both cats and kittens) includes spay/neuter, FeLV/FIV Test, RCP and Strongid/deworming. Our hours of operation are: Mon/Tues 11:30-4p, Wed 11:30-6, Thurs CLOSED, Fri 11:30-6, Sat 10-5, Sun 12-5.reat in any home where she can just enjoy living with her forever family!