Meet Nilla! She's approximately 9 months old and weighs 13 lbs. What a beautiful, shy, calm girl this pup is. We were told that she is Honey's daughter. Nilla has already come so far since arriving into our rescue. She wants nothing more then to please people. Nilla needs guidance to learn how to be the awesome family member she wants to be. Any family would be lucky to call her their own. If interested, go to click on adopt and fill out an application!
Our adoption fees are as follow: $200.00 for adults, $250.00 for puppies (8 months and younger) and $100.00 for senior dogs. This includes: spay/neuter, microchip, HWT, DAPP, Rabies and Bordetella vaccines and Strongid/deworming. Support our rescue and save a life by adopting!
Other Pictures of Nilla (click to see larger version):